Learning Together
“Learning Together” is a short documentary that explores the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system in Upstate New York. I followed two different families in the Gates Chili Central school district in Rochester N.Y. who are dealing with different learning situations such as learning disabilities and the line between being a parent and a teacher.
Final Cut
“Final Cut” is a short documentary that follows Roseanne Diponzio who is a hairdresser and something more… a desairologist. The documentary explores the joys and difficulties of both her jobs.
Flipping Through Heaven
“Flipping Through Heaven” is a documentary that follows Dan Grove the owner of Comic Book Heaven, an eclectic comic book store in Rochester, New York. As the owner of this store for nearly five decades, he has built up his collection of comics, so his store is now a “million story building.” In today’s world of superhero movies and instant access to TV shows, Comic Book Heaven is a small spot of nostalgia.
Sunrise to Sunset in Cuba
Cuba is a beautiful, vibrant and unique country where I grew not only as a person but also as a journalist. My time was filled with adventure and intrigue as I challenged myself and connected with the people and culture. Please enjoy this short trailer of the country.
RIT PJ Alumni covering COVID-19
The spring semester of my junior year was moved online due to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The above story was a video interview piece I did over zoom with a few of RIT PJ alumni who were still working in the field. The story is a collection of interviews produced my myself as well as a sample of the work they created during this time.
Image by Traci Westcott.
Special Olympics
For three years RIT covered the Special Olympics, and it helped me grow as a journalist immensely. My junior year (2019-2020) was the last year of RIT’s coverage if the Special Olympic games. As a student volunteer, I was apart of the video team as an editor. We created a high energy short film that shows what its like to be apart of this amazing community.